Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summary of the program

There were a few elements that I found interesting, however, for the most part, the whole experience was confusing and a chore.
Even though time was allotted during our workday to explore, it still was not enough.
The moving from page to page from blog to gmail to progress report page, etc, was cumbersome and confusing. And I have computer experience, so I can imagine how much more confusing it was to those who do not have a lot of knowledge about computers.

Digital Media Collection

I love audio books! I have gotten hooked on listening to them while in the car.
However, because I am a "Mac Addict," I am unable to download audio books to my computer or to my iPod. So, unfortunately for me, and for the other "Mac Addicts" out there, they are of no use.


In short, I really have no use for Podcasts. Just like the RSS feeds, subscribing to podcasts only inundates you with a lot of "stuff" that you could not possibly have the time to listen to or read.


I have been on YouTube many times, mainly to view a video that was sent in an email.
I am sure there are a lot of interesting things to be found, but I am afraid that most of the content is just regular people looking for their "15 minutes of fame" by posting ridiculous and sometimes rather disgusting home videos.
I have enjoyed a few of the videos but I would not waste my time searching the site. I feel it has its merits as a venue for those who want to share family videos as a means of keeping in touch with family and friends that may be scattered across the country and perhaps around the world.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Web 2.0 Awards

I really liked It looks like a fun site.
If you have the time you can create a family tree complete with pictures, etc. and it can then be published to the web for other family members to see and perhaps add and/or correct info that has been put in.
I think I will go back to that site and play some more on my free time!

Zoho writer and Google docs

Sorry, I have no use for either one of these and found the sites very confusing.
Information overload!!!!!!!!!!


I really enjoyed exploring PBWiki. It's fun to find out what your colleagues are reading, where they like to get a good meal or go on vacation.
I have to say that has been the best part of Web 2.0 so far.