Friday, May 30, 2008

Library Thing Post
Above is the link to my Library Thing list. I would be interested to know if anyone else has read and/or enjoyed the books I posted as much as I did.

Friday, May 23, 2008

RSS and Blogline

I have set up a blogline account and added some feeds.
However, I really have no use for RSS technology at this time.
If I need information, I have no problem googling a topic as needed.
I really don't see the point of useless information coming at me daily which I really have no time to read.
I apologize for being so negative about all of this. But my time is limited here at work and at home. I use the computer daily to keep in touch with friends and family. I use it to shop and to find information. I have learned some new technology exploring Web 2.0 to this point, but it is not technology that I have use for at this time.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I have 2 Macs at home. I love digital photography and really enjoy printing photos and sharing them with my family and friends on my iWeb site.

My favorite place

The picture I chose is a view of Sedona, AZ. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth!
I took a shot similar to this one. I believe it was taken at the Airport Road vortex site. It brought back very fond memories of my two visits to this area.
If you have not been to northern AZ and the Grand Canyon area, I highly recommend it. The sites are awesome! Too beautiful for words.

Friday, May 16, 2008

How blogging can be useful in libraries

I am not a blogger. Never have been. Never will be. I don't feel the need to have my thoughts or ideas "out there" for all the world to see.
However, there are times when blogging can be helpful and quite informative.
In the library, blogging can be used to post reviews of new books or old favorites, as an example.
I think it should be used as a more informative tool, rather than a venue for peoples private thoughts and opinions.

Re: 7 1/2 Habits

The tips were helpful to some extent for those who need structure and find it difficult to try new things. But if I can be honest, the presentation was quite boring and a bit condescending.

I feel that we learn every minute of every day. It's not a conscious process for me or for most intelligent adults, for that matter.

I recently took up golf. I found an instructor, I obtained the tools needed, in this case a set of clubs, balls and tees, I practiced and eventually, ventured out to play a game. It was an automatic process. Not something I did consciously nor did I check off each step as I did them.

For me, the most difficult part would be to go through the tedious process outlined. Quite frankly, I would lose interest in the project before I even got started if I had to work so hard to try something new.

Friday, May 9, 2008

First blog

This is my very first blog!!! How exciting!!!
This is all new to me. A learning process, you know.
So bear with me and come back to see if I get the hang of this blogging thing.
Till next time!!!