Friday, May 16, 2008

Re: 7 1/2 Habits

The tips were helpful to some extent for those who need structure and find it difficult to try new things. But if I can be honest, the presentation was quite boring and a bit condescending.

I feel that we learn every minute of every day. It's not a conscious process for me or for most intelligent adults, for that matter.

I recently took up golf. I found an instructor, I obtained the tools needed, in this case a set of clubs, balls and tees, I practiced and eventually, ventured out to play a game. It was an automatic process. Not something I did consciously nor did I check off each step as I did them.

For me, the most difficult part would be to go through the tedious process outlined. Quite frankly, I would lose interest in the project before I even got started if I had to work so hard to try something new.

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