Saturday, June 21, 2008

Web 2.0 Awards

I really liked It looks like a fun site.
If you have the time you can create a family tree complete with pictures, etc. and it can then be published to the web for other family members to see and perhaps add and/or correct info that has been put in.
I think I will go back to that site and play some more on my free time!

Zoho writer and Google docs

Sorry, I have no use for either one of these and found the sites very confusing.
Information overload!!!!!!!!!!


I really enjoyed exploring PBWiki. It's fun to find out what your colleagues are reading, where they like to get a good meal or go on vacation.
I have to say that has been the best part of Web 2.0 so far.


I use wikipedia a lot for quick info, but I always check other sources for accuracy.
The problem with wikis is that anyone can contribute to an article or even change its entire content. It makes one wonder how much erroneous information is floating out there. I also hope that my doctor doesn't consult a wiki for info on what meds to prescribe or how to treat my various complaints! Makes one think. Ay??

Web 2.0

I think that the future for the library is in cyberspace.
Fortunatly, for us who work in the brick and mortar libraries, there will always be those patrons who need personal assistance. And for those people, I am grateful. Although, I must admit that when a patron comes in weekly and asks for the same materials and refuses to learn how to find or access material on their own, I do get annoyed. But, again, it is those very people that will probably be responsible for many of us have a job.
If allowed to digress a bit, I am amazed at how the computer has evolved in just the last 25 years. My first Apple was basically a glorified word processor - no HD, no internet. If things keep progressing as fast as they have, everything will be accessed on a computer. I just wonder though, won't cyberspace get rather crowded???????????? Hmmmmmmm!


Well, that was really confusing!
In short, I don't think I will ever use it


Well, is not delicious to me. I really have no need for this tool, as I have bookmarking on my Mac and can create my own categories as I see fit.
The only positive about it is that it is posted on the web and helpful sites can be shared with others who may not otherwise know about them.