Saturday, June 21, 2008

Web 2.0

I think that the future for the library is in cyberspace.
Fortunatly, for us who work in the brick and mortar libraries, there will always be those patrons who need personal assistance. And for those people, I am grateful. Although, I must admit that when a patron comes in weekly and asks for the same materials and refuses to learn how to find or access material on their own, I do get annoyed. But, again, it is those very people that will probably be responsible for many of us have a job.
If allowed to digress a bit, I am amazed at how the computer has evolved in just the last 25 years. My first Apple was basically a glorified word processor - no HD, no internet. If things keep progressing as fast as they have, everything will be accessed on a computer. I just wonder though, won't cyberspace get rather crowded???????????? Hmmmmmmm!

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